GEG Services – Tasks and Activities

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GGE (Geology, Geophysics and Engineering) Tasks and Activities

OCRE strongly believes in the application of Best Practicing in Geological, Geophysical and Engineering studies and operational activities. The following is a list of Typical Projects, and a summary of the different Tasks and Activities involved, extracted from the OCRE Best Practice Management System (BPMS) which our World-wide experts Excellency Network applies, and which specifications are continuously being updated and enhanced following new experiences, technological developments, and applications.


  • Territorial Management – Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Drone Site Surveys (UAV; Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) – 3dmodeling
  • Micro seismicity studies and monitoring
  • Earthquake analyses and Modelling
  • Remote Sensing Acquisition, Elaboration and Interpretations including InSAR
  • Terrain Subsidence-Uplift Studies
  • Analyses and Modelling of Faulted and Fractured Rocks
  • Geological Field Work s.l.
  • Core Studies, Conventional and Special, Geomechanics
  • Seismic Interpretation, Mapping, and 3d Structure Modelling


  • Offshore High-Resolution Geophysical site-surveys
  • Magnetotelluric (MT) studies
  • Seismic Acquisition, Planning, and (re)Processing
  • Well Bore Seismics
  • Grav-Mag Acquisition and Modelling

Portfolio Management:

  • HC and Mining – Prospect Generation, Risking and Ranking
  • Asset Evaluation, Peer Reviews, Economics, QC, Competent Person’s Reporting


  • Well Drilling, Logging, Completion and Work-over
  • Log interpretation, Petrophysics, and Modelling
  • Reservoir Modelling, Production Planning
  • Facilities Planning and Management
  • Civil Engineering Planning, Construction and Management


  • Data management, Library and archiving, data conversion
  • Cloud, Big Data, AI, ML, Coding and Development
  • 3d Computer Modelling, 3d scanning and printing, CAD-CAM & Digital Twins


  • Organisation Analyses
  • Job Description, Gap Analyses
  • Training
  • Incentives – Team Building
  • PR, Promotion, Image Building


Activities Classification for BPMS (Best Practice Management System)

  • Section A – Information, Data Management, Projects
    • Task A.1 Information
      • Activity A.1.1 Data Management and Storage
        • Geophysical, Geological and subsurface information
        • Vintage, Industrial, and Scientific Information
        • Small Data and Big data
    • Task A.2 Projects
      • Activity A2.1 Project Set-Up
        • Interpretation Systems
        • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
        • Dynamic Simulation Systems
        • Special Tasks Systems
  • Section B – Geological & Geophysical and Other Technical Studies
    • Task B.1 Geological Model
      • Activity B.1.1 Data Collection and Regional framework
      • Activity B.1.2 Reconstruction of the Plate Tectonic Setting
      • Activity B.1.3 Reconstruction of the Stratigraphic Framework
      • Activity B.1.4 Structural Modelling
      • Activity B.1.5 Description of the Basin Evolution
      • Activity B.1.6 Definition of the Petroleum System & Play Concepts
      • Activity B.1.7 Reconstruction of the E&P Activity and Hydrocarbon Potential
      • Activity B.1.8 Field Geological Studies
    • Task B.2 Remote Sensing & Surface Studies
      • Activity B.2.1 Geological Interpretation on Satellite Photography
    • Task B.3 Grav/Mag Interpretation
      • Activity B.3.1 Grav/Mag Interpretation
    • Task B.4 Seismic Studies
      • Activity B.4.1 Seismic to Well Tie
      • Activity B.4.2 Seismic Interpretation
      • Activity B.4.3 Velocity Modelling
    • Task B.5 Well Data Studies
      • Activity B.5.1 Vintage Wells
      • Activity B.5.2 Log Correlation
      • Activity B.5.3 Cores & Cuttings
      • Activity B.5.4 Special Core Analyses
      • Activity B.5.5 Petrophysical Studies
      • Activity B.5.6 Well Test & Fluid Analyses
      • Activity B.5.7 Subsurface Conditions
    • Task B.6 Shared Earth Model (SEM)
      • Activity B.6.1 Seismic Mapping
      • Activity B.6.2 3d Modelling
    • Task B.7 Post well evaluation
      • Activity B.7.1 Post Well Evaluation
  • Section C. Operations
    • Task C.1 Grav/Mag Acquisition & Processing
      • Survey design
      • Acquisition & In Field Processing
    • Task C.2 Seismic Acquisition & Processing
      • 2d & 3d Seismic Survey Design
      • Seismic Acquisition Execution Phase
      • Seismic (Re)Processing
    • Task C.3 Well Drilling, Completion & Production
      • Well Planning – Well Initiation Document (WID)
      • Well Delivery
      • Execution phase (Monitoring, Steering)
    • Task C.4 Field Geological Studies
  • Section D. Models (Leads, Prospects, Reservoirs; Volumes, Risks, Models)
    • Task D.1 Prospect Generation & Evaluation
      • Activity D.1.1 Prospect Definition
      • Activity D.1.2 Prospect Volumetric Calculation
      • Activity D.1.3 Prospect Risking and Ranking
    • Task D.2 Reservoir Modelling
      • Activity D.2.1 Static Modelling
      • Activity D.2.2 Dynamic Modelling
    • Task D.3 Asset Evaluation – CPR
      • Activity D.3.1 Asset Description
      • Activity D.3.2 Asset Economic Evaluation