Science – Quality of Life

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Science and the Quality of Life. We in OCRE believe that should actually be a slogan of the New Normal: From Science to Technology to the Wellbeing for All.

The ongoing interaction between Science, Technology and Society can be translated in our case into Geoscience, Engineering and Business drivers. And where it comes to Science, geologists and geophysicists working in the Energy and Resources Sector have always been highly involved in projects that transfer knowledge from research institutes to industry and visa-versa. Because the main stake-holder of all activities is located inside the community itself.

We distinguish the following focus Sectors in the Realm of Science and the Quality of Life:

Sector SQ.1 – Archaeology, History, Architecture, Museology
Sector SQ.2 – Speleology
Sector SQ.3 – Geotourism, Education, Incentives, Geosites, & Stakeholder Involvement

Geoscience for the Future. From: GSL (2019).

The following type of Projects and Activities are especially involved in the Realm of Science and the Quality of Life:


  • Territorial Management – Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Drone Site Surveys (UAV; Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) – 3dmodeling
  • Micro seismicity studies and monitoring
  • Earthquake analyses and Modelling
  • Remote Sensing Acquisition, Elaboration and Interpretations including InSAR
  • Terrain Subsidence-Uplift Studies
  • Analyses and Modelling of Faulted and Fractured Rocks
  • Geological Field Work s.l.


  • Magnetotelluric (MT) studies


  • Well Drilling, Logging, Completion and Work-over
  • Facilities Planning and Management
  • Civil Engineering Planning, Construction and Management

To examine all the Tasks involved in this Sector, the OCRE Geoscience Services GEG List and CATALOGUE can be consulted.