Sector SM.2 – Geothermal Energy Generation (volcanic areas, mines, acquirers)
The generation of Geothermal Energy is one of the key options in the application of Renewable Resources to be applied in the New Era of Sustainable Energy Mix.
For the moment, main efforts have been focussing on the areas with high natural geothermal gradients (mainly volcanic areas). Some of these are already producing energy such as in Italy (Monte Amiata, Larderello / Travale / Radicondoli, Grosseto, Pisa and Siena). One of the major issues with these volcanic sites in other countries is that they are often remote, and the transport of the produced electricity or the heath itself can be subject to large losses. Studies should focus on the inventory of geothermal springs, regional heath flow mapping, Gas geochemistry of thermal springs, heath flow modelling, etc.
Another option is the usage of old mines (e.g. coals mines), which possess networks of deep shafts which are often are filled with warm water and could be converted to geothermal energy generating sites refurbishing the old engineering networks.
Studying potential sites and mapping regions for possible applications, are among the main tasks OCRE believes Geoscientists needs to be massively involved in, to evaluate all the options, applying decades of G&G experience in the field of analysing and modelling subsurface reservoirs of all types, and evaluating territories, and our worldwide experts Network of Excellency is already working on various options and projects.
To examine all the Tasks involved in this Sector, the OCRE Geoscience Services GEG List and CATALOGUE can be consulted.
Geothermal Energy Generation. From: Steve McClure (2019).