
Sector SM.4 – Conventional and Unconventional  Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production

As is evident during the New Era of Sustainable Energy Mix the involvement of Hydrocarbons is for variable reasons, especially during the transition period, of crucial importance. The tendency to apply more and more Natural Gas instead of various types of Crude Oil is already on its way since a decade, as can be appreciated from the massive developments in the fields of LNG generation and transport. Obviously, the application of hydrocarbons in Transport, Heating and Electricity generation involves the generation of CO2 for which the main solution foreseen is the Capture and Storage in underground saline aquifers or depleted fields, or the application in EOR/EGR or cushion Gas. Furthermore, hydrocarbons are continuously foreseen to play a role in the generation of materials of the industrial processes to create batteries, or other primary materials needed for the construction of renewable energy generation devices (plastics, paints, etc.), which implies a massive effort in sustainable geochemistry and down- to midstream engineering.

OCRE strongly believes in the continuous need for expert Geoscientists, Engineers and operational staff, and the application of decades of experience in the field of analysing and modelling reservoirs, Geophysical Operations, and Well Site operations. Our large world-wide network of Excellency is readily available for all New Venture, Exploration, Appraisal and Production Projects, both in specialized studies as well as in the issue of Competent Persons Reports for the evaluation of Assets, Peer Reviews, and Due Diligence.

We foresee 4 specific SubSectors of application in the Service of Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production:

Subsector HQ.1 -Oil and Gas:  E&P; New Ventures, Exploration, Production
Subsector HQ.2 – Unconventionals: Shale Gas; Fracking, Microseismicity, Subsidence Analyses and Modelling
Subsector HQ.3 – Bitumen: Surface Mining and Tunnelling of Bitumen
Subsector HQ.4 – Hydrates: From Hydrates To Methane

An important service that the Leadership Team of OCRE offers is the issue of the Competent Persons Report (CPR). This Report is required for Oil and Gas companies as one of the components of a Prospectus or Admission documentation, part of regulatory filings in the following cases: If there are Initial Public Offerings (IPO), in case of a merger/acquisition/takeover or to support any other fund-raising initiatives towards Financial Institutes or Banks. This to comply to stock exchange rules, or to justify a Production Plan (Preliminary, Initial, or Final, or Extensions) towards stakeholders, or, in some cases, for QMS, Auditing, and internal decision-making processes for the sake of Investment Protection and Due Diligence.

The Oil and Gas Industry’s Green Future. From:
Beck (2020).

The following type of Projects and Activities are especially involved in the Sector of Hydrocarbon Exploration and Development:


  • Territorial Management – Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Drone Site Surveys (UAV; Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) – 3dmodeling
  • Micro seismicity studies and monitoring
  • Earthquake analyses and Modelling
  • Remote Sensing Acquisition, Elaboration and Interpretations including InSAR
  • Terrain Subsidence-Uplift Studies
  • Analyses and Modelling of Faulted and Fractured Rocks
  • Geological Field Work s.l.
  • Core Studies, Conventional and Special, Geomechanics
  • Seismic Interpretation, Mapping, and 3d Structure Modelling


  • Offshore High-Resolution Geophysical site-surveys
  • Magnetotelluric (MT) studies
  • Seismic Acquisition, Planning, and (re)Processing
  • Well Bore Seismics
  • Grav-Mag Acquisition and Modelling

Portfolio Management:

  • HC and Mining – Prospect Generation, Risking and Ranking
  • Asset Evaluation, Peer Reviews, Economics, QC, Competent Person’s Reporting


  • Well Drilling, Logging, Completion and Work-over
  • Log interpretation, Petrophysics, and Modelling
  • Reservoir Modelling, Production Planning
  • Facilities Planning and Management
  • Civil Engineering Planning, Construction and Management


  • Data management, Library and archiving, data conversion
  • Cloud, Big Data, AI, ML, Coding and Development
  • 3d Computer Modelling, 3d scanning and printing, CAD-CAM & Digital Twins


  • Organization Analyses
  • Job Description, Gap Analyses
  • Training
  • Incentives – Team Building
  • PR, Promotion, Image Building


To examine all the Tasks involved in this Sector, the OCRE Geoscience Services GEG List and CATALOGUE can be consulted.

The concept of Clean Hydrocarbon. From: Imaginea (2017)