The Sustainable Energy Mix

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The key word of the recent Yesterday, and of the New Normal of Today: A Sustainable Energy Mix to support our society, our industry, transport and households, (lighting, heating, cooking, air conditioning, machinery, locomotion, etc. etc.). How to conduct this Decarbonisation to arrive at “Net Zero” and how this Mix should look like and what it will be composed of is subject of a lively debate: Three renewable sources are already in place: HydroEnergy, Geothermal sources, and Solar Energy. Using Hydrogen is still under development, although only the black version which uses Oil or Natural Gas to produce Hydrogen is well on the way.  In the meantime, the other, conventional and non-renewable sources, such as Nuclear Power, Hydrocarbons, and various types of Coal are still providing the main part of our electricity. But these generate waste such as CO2 and nuclear waste, that needs to be disposed of.

We distinguish the following focus Sectors in the Realm of the Sustainable Energy Mix:

Sector SM.1 – Carbon Capture and Storage
Sector SM.2 – Geothermal Energy Generation (volcanic areas, mines, acquirers)
Sector SM.3 – Hydrogen Generation and Storage
Sector SM.4 – Conventional and Unconventional  Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production

The other sectors such as waste disposal and renewables engineering are discussed in the relative pages of our services.

To examine all the Tasks involved in this Sector, the OCRE Geoscience Services GEG List and CATALOGUE can be consulted.

The Sustainable Energy Mix. From: Smart Energy (2019).

The following type of Projects and Activities are especially involved in the Realm of The Sustainable Energy Mix:


  • Territorial Management – Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Micro seismicity studies and monitoring
  • Remote Sensing Acquisition, Elaboration and Interpretations including InSAR
  • Terrain Subsidence-Uplift Studies
  • Analyses and Modelling of Faulted and Fractured Rocks
  • Geological Field Work s.l.
  • Core Studies, Conventional and Special, Geomechanics
  • Seismic Interpretation, Mapping, and 3d Structure Modelling


  • Offshore High-Resolution Geophysical site-surveys
  • Seismic Acquisition, Planning, and (re)Processing
  • Well Bore Seismics
  • Grav-Mag Acquisition and Modelling

Portfolio Management:

  • Asset Evaluation, Peer Reviews, Economics, QC, Competent Person’s Reporting


  • Well Drilling, Logging, Completion and Work-over
  • Log interpretation, Petrophysics, and Modelling
  • Facilities Planning and Management
  • Civil Engineering Planning, Construction and Management