Environment and Landscape

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Our vulnerable, but in the same time also resilient Planet Earth is subject to a number of changes due to an interplay of factors related to Natural occurring secular and periodic changes, and Human Induced modifications. The monitoring of the landscape on all scales and its critical hazards is one of the most important tasks of the geoscientific community, and the development of related engineering solutions has become a technological challenge for the decades to come.

OCRE identifies a series of specific Sectors where the geoscientific and engineering community will be able to offer fundamental support, which are focussing on pollution control and landscape mapping. The other services directly related to the Risk Management such as seismicity, landslides, volcanism, are discussed on the relative Page.

We distinguish the following focus Sectors in the Realm of Environment and Landscape:

Sector EL.1 – Environmental Pollution Control
Sector EL.2 – Landscape and Territorial Mapping (Planning, Authorities Management)

Mitigations of the Modifications of the Landscape related to Climate Change. From: IFRC (2021).


The following type of Projects and Activities are especially involved in the Realm of Environment and Landscape:


  • Territorial Management – Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Drone Site Surveys (UAV; Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) – 3dmodeling
  • Micro seismicity studies and monitoring
  • Remote Sensing Acquisition, Elaboration and Interpretations including InSAR
  • Terrain Subsidence-Uplift Studies
  • Analyses and Modelling of Faulted and Fractured Rocks
  • Geological Field Work s.l.
  • Core Studies, Conventional and Special, Geomechanics


  • Magnetotelluric (MT) studies
  • Seismic Acquisition, Planning, and (re)Processing


  • Well Drilling, Logging, Completion and Work-over
  • Log interpretation, Petrophysics, and Modelling
  • Facilities Planning and Management
  • Civil Engineering Planning, Construction and Management


To examine all the Tasks involved in this Sector, the OCRE Geoscience Services GEG List and CATALOGUE can be consulted.